In Pursuit of Wellness!

Meeting fatigue, crisis management, non-dedicated work hours, technology woes and let’s not forget the continued need for social distancing. Like everyone else, we are still experiencing the aches and pains of living through the coronavirus epidemic. With summer coming to a close, schools (trying) to get back in session and no end in sight from the pandemic, ya’ll, the struggle is real.

With stress levels remaining high, what can we do to contradict the situation? I’m sure by now, you’ve heard of the importance of self-care, but what about taking a “total approach to wellness” instead?

Hopefully by now I’ve captured your interest.

According to the National Institute of Wellness, the definition of Wellness is “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence”.

Think about it like this, if you believe in the value of physical activity and regularly work out but then don’t get enough sleep, make poor food choices, over-consume alcohol and smoke, does that make you a healthy person? Likely not. The total approach to wellness is a combination of categories that when applied in totality will create a healthy and fulfilling life. Your stress levels will be manageable, you’ll feel better physically and mentally and have a real sense of purpose and connection with your life.

Let’s start with the basic dimensions of the wellness wheel. 

1.  Emotional: Coping skills for stress management, effective problem-solving and decision-making.
2.  Occupational: Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work.
3.  Physical: Physical activity, healthy food choices and getting adequate sleep.
4.  Social: Having a well-developed support system consisting of family and friends.
5.  Intellectual: Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.
6.  Spiritual: Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Knowing your Why.
As you can see, Wellness is more than being free of illness or working out. By intentionally focusing on not one but all six different components you will become self-aware of how interconnected each dimension is. When we meet with many of our clients, they are typically struggling with their well-being. Demanding schedules offer little time to focus on their emotional, physical and social health which leads them into an uncontrollable tailspin. That’s where we come into play.

Lifestyle managers uniquely fit within the interconnectedness of the wellness wheel. When we partner with businesses and busy people, we help them delegate. Outsourcing tasks that cause stress, take away precious free time, prohibit adequate sleep, hinder your ability to make healthy food options and more. With no end in sight for the pandemic, discovering your own unique total approach to wellness is even more important now that was ever before. As the Triad’s first lifestyle management company, we are there for a reason and that is to help you live your best life.

For more information about how Work-Life Solutions can assist you, check out our website for more tips and information. Be sure to check out and follow us on Instagram.


Summer Declutter


Picnic Like A Pro