5 Essential Home Office Must-Haves for Maximum Productivity and Comfort
Katherine Allen Katherine Allen

5 Essential Home Office Must-Haves for Maximum Productivity and Comfort

Did you know that over 42% of Americans now work from home at least part of the time? Creating an efficient and comfortable home office has never been more crucial. Whether you're carving out a small workspace or have a dedicated room, these five essential items will transform your home office into a productivity powerhouse.

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In Pursuit of Wellness!
Donielle Eakin Donielle Eakin

In Pursuit of Wellness!

Meeting fatigue, crisis management, non-dedicated work hours, technology woes and let’s not forget the continued need for social distancing. Like everyone else, we are still experiencing the aches and pains of living through the coronavirus epidemic. With summer coming to a close, schools (trying) to get back in session and no end in sight from the pandemic, ya’ll, the struggle is real.

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Picnic Like  A Pro
Donielle Eakin Donielle Eakin

Picnic Like A Pro

Summer is by far my favorite season of the year. Sunshine, road trips, backyard barbecues and late evenings spent on a neighbor’s porch listening to the storms roll in…it’s hard to believe it’s nearly over! As the temperatures begin to cool and humidity becomes less offensive, Southerners gain more tolerance for wandering back outside again, making it the perfect time for a picnic. Keep it casual or gussy it up as much as you want. Anything goes when it comes to packing a picnic and if you are needing direction for a starting place, remember there are only two rules: food and finding the right setting.

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Know Your Why
Donielle Eakin Donielle Eakin

Know Your Why

Know YOUR Why. It’s a powerful statement. One that makes you dig deep and think.

It gives your life purpose.

It gives you something to look forward to.

It gives us a reason to be a BETTER person.

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